Krishnapatnam Industrial node to create a million direct jobs by 2040
image for illustrative purpose

Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh Government is all set to ground work on Krishnapatnam node of Chennai Bangalore Industrial Corridor (CBIC) with the grant of administrative sanction for Rs.1448 crore.
The government is also planning multiple nodes under Visakhapatnam Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) with assistance from Asian DevelopmentBank.
Korean giant POSCO is proposing to set up an integrated steel plant at Krishnapatnam. The State has already accorded a red carpet welcome to POSCO with offer of several incentives.
Vide GO Ms No: 30 issued by the Industries & Commerce (Infra) dated May 11, the sanction has been accorded for the Krishnapatnam node.
under the node, development works are spread over an extent of 2500 acres which will generate around one million direct & indirect jobs by 2040 from the identified industrial sectors like food processing, automobile and auto components, textile and wearing apparels, chemical, pharmaceutical, manufacturing of electrical equipment and computer electronics and optical products.
According to officials,
Krishnapatnam Industrial Node is being developed with world-class infrastructure consisting of roads, bridges, utilities, sewage treatment plant, Central effluent treatment plant, solid waste management, administrative building, 24×7 power supply system and Water supply system.
The total estimated project cost is Rs.1448 crore. The tender document is uploaded on the website of judicial preview for the general public.
The APIIC & NICDIT jointly formed a Special Purpose Vehicle under the name of NICDIT Krishnapatnam Industrial City Development Limited (NKICDL) with equity participation of Central and State Governments sometime ago to establish, promote and facilitate the development of Krishnapatnam Industrial Node.
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